Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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idiots Libya is not Iraq

These days it is producing an intense debate in the media, or even in the salons of Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. In the same is being criticized by President Rodríguez Zapatero for being a demagogue and Libya support the war when he did years ago with Iraq. The most simplistic positions say that "war is war, no matter how it is ... visions as linear can not be reached to discuss the issue with some logic. The Socialist government has acted consistently with the support of the UN resolution ... not with a couple of trigger-happy leaders.

And is that Libya is not Iraq. The only thing that unites them is that both countries had a dictator that is rampant with the approval of Western powers. Elsewhere, the situation resembles a dog like a frog, yes, these animals are both, but different.

At this point in the party, and no doubt that the Iraq war were lies, hidden agendas and unilateral decisions equally. The famous weapons of mass destruction were only a hypothesis with which to justify an attack that in no case was legitimized by the UN. The reader knows that I follow that I have an allergy to the UN for its cowardice and incompetence to make big decisions when it is required, but the rules of the game are what they are, and an attack by two countries, as were U.S. and the UK (plus the support of others such as Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Australia ...) was not authorized by the person must give his approval, the United Nations.

For months, sold the idea that Hussein could brush half the world hitting a button. With this premise was attacked, and especially without a backup plan after the victory ... so we have 9 years of bombings and civil war between Iraqi ethnic groups. Countries such as France, Germany and the entire Arab League rejected the intervention, but Bush and Blair turned a deaf ear.

Libya is different. The popular revolts have degenerated into a civil war. Should be cautious about labeling of "good and bad" so lightly, because the Libyan rebels probably also have to cut your fabric. But the imbalance with which Gadhafi has tried to stop the riots invites immediate action (which is late) by NATO. Gaddafi himself has been on many times has he warned that "crush" anyone who is or has been said against him (including Ministers of Government). Here there is no doubt, for weeks has been attacked with live ammunition to civilians, hiring hundreds of mercenaries coming from Africa ... and will continue if not for the feet.

The "peace at any cost" move very well in the field to complain and do not provide a solution. They complain about the war but do not say how to prevent ordinary citizens die by the firing of those who receive money from the Libyan government for it. When the conflict ends should be self-critical, and correct the mistakes that lead to the Rulers to laugh thank tiparracos as Gadhafi, who for years has traveled with impunity by Europe and America with their Tents, their virgin girls and their stupid extravagance.

The Socialist Government this time has fallen short, providing resources to the UN, and participating to the extent its capacities permit it. There is a final decision, no real reason to enter Libya. And this does not alter its stance against Iraq. Therefore, today, will support the English Parliament, with votes as diverse (and dispersed) and the PP, ICV, ERC and the PNV.

(Another topic to be treated differently why the UN would forget countries like Costa d'Ivoire, Congo, Kenya, Somalia ... which are not respecting the basic rights of the people)


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