We release these days in Spain a law banning smoking in virtually all locations. This is a very controversial law. Not everyone supports it. Many opponents of this law compared, once again, with Hitler and National Socialism. Of course, we know that Hitler is always used as a weapon. For that served Hitler. Again comparisons are a scam verbal. Given even compared Obama to the American president to Hitler (there are many images of the president wearing mustache) we should take into account the comparisons. However, they have their effect in the population. When will the time that a comparison with Hitler is not taken into account? We do not know. In any case, you need to do a lot of ignorance. "President Zapatero prohibits smoking as did Hitler," they say. Such stupidity is like saying that Hitler because we are all breathe. Not only that, shows an ignorance of Hitler and, above all, a way of using history to more opportunistic whim.
As we all know, Hitler could not stand the smoke snuff. In January 1942, in his conversations, said
- When I enter a room where people smoke, I feel a cold after an hour. Microbes rush over me! Found a favorable climate in the smoke and heat.
Later, in March said
- In Bayreuth knew a dealer, a Mokele, who invited me to go see him at Nuremberg. Over his door was a sign: "Smokers do not come here." As I have not put my sign in my door, but smokers do not come into my house.
some time ago Göring asked if he thought favored him portray his pipe in his mouth. What would you think of the sculptor who immortalized him with a cigar between his teeth?
is completely false to say that the soldier could not stand the life of the front if you are deprived of snuff. It is a mistake to be charged on the liability of the high command, the distribution from the beginning of the war, a daily ration of cigarettes a soldier. Naturally, this is not to turn back at this time. But As peace returns, it deleted. We can make better use of our foreign exchange for importation of poison.
begin re-education through youth. I'll say "Do not follow the example of the old."
I have known such misery in Vienna! I spent months and months without a hot meal. He lived on milk and bread. But thirteen kreuzers per day spent on cigarettes. I smoked twenty-five to forty per day. However, at that time a Kreuzer represented to my more than ten thousand marks today. One day I made the reflection that with five kreuzers could buy butter to put on my bread. I threw my cigarettes to the Danube and since then I started smoking again.
I am convinced that if he had continued smoking, had not resisted the concerns that I have been living for some time. It is perhaps this insignificant detail what the German people owes its salvation.
many men around me have died from abuse of snuff! First, my father. After Dietrich Eckart, Troost. Soon we will be playing you, Hoffman!
Testimonials Hitler and snuff are found in the memoirs of one of his secretaries, Christa Schroeder:
- also liked to tell his first experiences as a smoker. He managed to smoke a cigar halfway, then had to run home feeling horribly sick. He told his mother that he had indigestion eating cherries. The doctor, called in haste, recording his pockets and found a cigarette butt.
"Later, Hitler said," I bought a long porcelain pipe. Smoked like a chimney, even lying down. Once, I fell asleep and when I woke up, the bed was on fire. I then took the decision not to smoke anymore and I have fulfilled my vow.
his secretary also tells stories about the snuff:
- From their point of view, nicotine was more frightening than the alcohol. Felt that was a terrible poison, harmful consequences not manifest until years after. Smoking causes a dull mind and a narrow arteries. Among heavy smokers, it is common to find a general weakening of the constitution. Once made a joke, "At bottom, an excellent way to get rid of the enemies is to invite you to smoke. "
- Hitler cherished the idea of \u200b\u200ba law prohibiting the snuff, after the war. I was convinced that thus, would provide the best possible service to his people.
In the memoirs of another of his secretaries, Traudl Junge, there are plenty of allusions to Hitler to snuff:
- When Hitler tried to Professor Blaschke confirm that smoking is one of the most harmful defects and particularly has consequences disastrous for the teeth, he found a decided negative. Blaschke was a heavy smoker and therefore perhaps more tolerant than it should from the medical point of view. He said that smoking is good because disinfects the oral cavity and promotes circulation, in a normal context, smoking is not harmful. But Hitler would have none of it: "Smoking is one of the most dangerous passions, besides which I personally find disgusting smell of cigarette smoke, I do not offer a cigarette to a person who appreciate and love because he was doing a trick. There is evidence that non-smokers live longer than smokers and they are much more resistant to disease. "
Of course, there are also allusions to snuff in Speer's memoirs, and nearly everyone who tried to close the Fuehrer. Actually Hitler was ahead of its time this and many other issues. It was not hypocritical. pretended total ban on snuff. How a state ethics sells a product in which pack is the legend "Smoking causes cancer?" No, Prime Minister Zapatero is not like Hitler because Hitler pretended not sell if you want that product. There is a big difference. Obviously, in this respect Hitler was higher than our hypocritical leaders. By the way, remember that the great enemies of Hitler, Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, were among heavy smokers.
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